sábado, octubre 08, 2005
Datos personales
- Nombre: memyselfandi
- Lugar: wien
the last RAM (in transformation zum feuerschwein) The lunatic, the lover,and the poet Are of imagination all compact. Mehr von mir: warum spinnen und singen wir nicht? (R. W.) nein ehrlich: I cannot define my satisfaction...yet it is so, I cannot define my life... yet it is so! (W. W.)
Previous Posts
- mr.freeze...
- ...por muy poco que me guste! -...de vez en cuando...
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- mestre 10.05.2002- l´enfant et les sortilèges- ode...
- "solo le pido a dios"...*ggg*
- paddy-field, pining, transitoiriness- interpretive...
- schulterverspannungen am xten quallentag der saison.
- herzensbildung...
- "...and the lesson today..." :
- rummy coco balls, a new - this time f**king good! ...
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