martes, octubre 04, 2005

...por muy poco que me guste! vez en cuando...:


I do think, that I´m so far off...far too far to ever make it back again to where `others` live;

I think I´ll NEVER learn to lock my parents COMLETELY out of my life ((which IS the ONLY way to stay alive!));

I think, I´ll definitely NEVER have a REAL girlfriend.

I think I´ll definitely NEVER have SEX again.

I don´t really know why I didn´t go for it five years ago; ((oh, come on... ´s anything really been worth staying since??))

I kinda know noone among those I loved ´s ever missed me... not only so far;

I kinda know I´ll never break through to anything I´ve been aiming at...,- I mean... really...;

I kinda know all this.